I don't know about you but if Kelloggs stopped putting the chocolate crackle recipe on the Rice Bubble cereal box, I would be lost ... :) ... so I had to make some so Miss 9 could take them too school for a leaving morning tea .. and thought I would post the recipe here, just in case Kelloggs do the unthinkable ...
So .. Chocolate Crackles ..
I don't need to put any ratings here, because we all know kids love them.
Chocolate Crackles
4 Cups of Rice bubbles
1 cup of desiccated coconut
1 cup of icing sugar
250g Copha
2 Tblsp cocoa
1. In a large bowl, mix Rice Bubbles, icing sugar, coconut and cocoa.
2. Slowly melt the copha in a saucepan over a low heat.
Allow to cool slightly. Add to the Rice Bubbles mixture, stirring until
well combined.
3. Spoon mixture into paper patty cases and refrigerate until firm.